The basic story begins with the main charactor Eliza Doolittle meets Professor Higgin at a street market. Eliza is a flower girl who is poor and uneducated. Her English is not the standard English. Professor Higgin and Eliza make a deal to make her speak standard English and teach manner so that even hierarchy people will think she is a hierarchy. The lesson was successful and eventually Professor Higgin and Eliza fall in love. It is a happy ending story. Here is a picture of Eliza and Higgin dancing from the pamphlet I purchased.
When I was inside the stage I remembered one of Charles's Monday lectures. That gentleman who worked on Stage lighting which extracts heat through a special material so there will be less heat to emitted to the stage or to the colour filters. And Civic had several of them!! Those Banana shaped ones! I was proud to be studying at AUT
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