Exhibition: Kablastafuckt, Daniel Unverricht, 17 march - 9 April 2009
When I walked into this gallery called Oedipus Rex(OREX), I was a bit surprised to see serises Dark paintings. They were night scenes but not regular night scene paintings. They were paintings of country side town. The scenes were extremely dark, oil painted. The closed dairy shops, and a NZ police car indicated they were NZ scenes. What made these paintings drawn by Daniel is that there was not a single person in the painting. All the shops were closed, streets very dark, street lights barely showing the streets. The town looked like those deserted and abandoned towns we see in American movies. the artist's plaque said the title of exhibition, Kabalstafuckt, means an intoxicated person committing acts they cannot recall or as a way out when they feel trapped. The painting below is Destinesia 2009 on linen 91 x 182.5cm OREX gallery.
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